This coming September, PatLit will be four years old. Led by a small team of regular bloggers and supplemented from time to time by guest posts, PatLit has always focused on dispute resolution issues within patent law -- mainly litigation (as the name PatLit implies) but not excluding alternative dispute resolution mechanisms where appropriate.
You too can write for PatLit ... |
PatLit is driven by enthusiastic writing, not by commercial advertising or law firm sponsorship, and always welcomes news and views on patent dispute resolution, regardless of the jurisdiction. We'd like to hear from more countries where information about patent litigation is quite a rare event, as well as from jurisdictions in which it's almost a way of life. If you have a little spare time this summer and would like to put it to good use in writing, serious weblogs -- of which PatLit is just one of a large number -- are a good place to be seen. Unlike conventional professional and academic journals, weblogs offer instant access to a readership and the chance to indulge in some interactive debate. They don't have to go through a lengthy production process which often renders them of largely historical interest by the time they're published, and they are easy for prospective readers to search and find online.
For the record, at the time this piece was prepared for posting, PatLit was read by 1,076 "opt-in" email subscribers -- that's people who request to receive it, not people who are mail-bombed against their will. There are also over 360 RSS feeders. So far this calendar year, PatLit's pages have also received over 30,900 visits. Visitors have come from 127 countries, the bulk being from Northern Europe, North America and India. The blog currently hosts 563 searchable items which include case notes, reports on patent law amendment, book reviews and opinion pieces. The side bar also contains occasional information about forthcoming conferences and events, and sometimes of special registration discounts for PatLit readers.
This summer PatLit looks forward to welcoming readers to a couple of fresh guest bloggers who, if well received, will have the chance to join the team on a permanent basis. If you'd like to try your hand at some blog writing too, please email me
here, giving me some information about your patent dispute resolution background and the jurisdiction(s) with which you are familiar.